Wednesday, November 11, 2015

August 4, 2015

This is my last day here at Parkside. I have enjoyed every minute of being here and Mrs. Smith has gone above and beyond for me. She has spent so much time with me explaining and showing me things. I ma beyond grateful. Mrs. Smith went over that last few items on the checklist that we had not discussed yet. I also spent some time with the bookkeeper today just to learn their side of working with the librarian on purchases.

August 3, 2015

Teachers are here preparing for the upcoming year so it is busier than it has been.We started bulletin boards today. I enjoy working at the elementary libraries because I have learned they have more resources as far as paper and a letter cutter. We at my high school do not have any of that provided for us. It makes it easier when you have more to work with.

July 31, 2015

I spent most of the day looking for ideas and ways to decorate the library for the upcoming year. I tried to find fun and exciting bulletin board idea. It is hard to find ideas that will appeal to both elementary readers and middle school readers.

July 30, 2015

Mrs. Smith discussed finding and budgeting with me today. She does receive some funding from a local business but most of her money comes from grants. She spends most of the funding on technology for the library but this time as I mentioned earlier she needed some new books for the students so she was able to save some money to purchase those. She also explained to me that they have a book fair that is the main source of funding for the library.

July 29, 2015

I spent most of today observing. Mrs. Smith was very busy today so I got to interact with some of the students. I am a high school teacher for a reason but I really enjoy being around elementary students. The promotion they do for AR points is any student who reaches s certain number of points gets to decorate a ceiling tile and have it displayed in the school. I love looking up at all of the tiles that have been decorated. It is a way to encourage them to read and they leave a mark on the school even after they leave.

July 27, 2015

Mrs. Smith let me sit in and watch her place an order for books she needed for the upcoming school year. She also explained that they will come with pre-made spin labels so she will not have to make them herself. This is similar to the books I labeled for Mrs. Dubberly at Eva. I also got to explain to her how Eva school's library was set up because she said she is always looking for suggestions.