Wednesday, November 11, 2015

August 4, 2015

This is my last day here at Parkside. I have enjoyed every minute of being here and Mrs. Smith has gone above and beyond for me. She has spent so much time with me explaining and showing me things. I ma beyond grateful. Mrs. Smith went over that last few items on the checklist that we had not discussed yet. I also spent some time with the bookkeeper today just to learn their side of working with the librarian on purchases.

August 3, 2015

Teachers are here preparing for the upcoming year so it is busier than it has been.We started bulletin boards today. I enjoy working at the elementary libraries because I have learned they have more resources as far as paper and a letter cutter. We at my high school do not have any of that provided for us. It makes it easier when you have more to work with.

July 31, 2015

I spent most of the day looking for ideas and ways to decorate the library for the upcoming year. I tried to find fun and exciting bulletin board idea. It is hard to find ideas that will appeal to both elementary readers and middle school readers.

July 30, 2015

Mrs. Smith discussed finding and budgeting with me today. She does receive some funding from a local business but most of her money comes from grants. She spends most of the funding on technology for the library but this time as I mentioned earlier she needed some new books for the students so she was able to save some money to purchase those. She also explained to me that they have a book fair that is the main source of funding for the library.

July 29, 2015

I spent most of today observing. Mrs. Smith was very busy today so I got to interact with some of the students. I am a high school teacher for a reason but I really enjoy being around elementary students. The promotion they do for AR points is any student who reaches s certain number of points gets to decorate a ceiling tile and have it displayed in the school. I love looking up at all of the tiles that have been decorated. It is a way to encourage them to read and they leave a mark on the school even after they leave.

July 27, 2015

Mrs. Smith let me sit in and watch her place an order for books she needed for the upcoming school year. She also explained that they will come with pre-made spin labels so she will not have to make them herself. This is similar to the books I labeled for Mrs. Dubberly at Eva. I also got to explain to her how Eva school's library was set up because she said she is always looking for suggestions.

July 23, 2015

Today Mrs. Smith shred with me how she evaluates the efficiency of her library. She sends out one survey to all of the teachers and some students take another survey. She looks at the results of those to make changes or continue something that everyone enjoys. She also asks for teacher input on books to get. She asks what books or kinds of books they need access to. We also spent some time working on the computers with updates.

July 21,2015

Today we focused on circulation. It is just like circulation at my school so it was easy for me. We discussed her collection development policy as well as challenge books. I got to shelve books and get familiar with the sections better. This library is different from Eva in many ways but one way is there is no Junior fiction section like Mrs. Dubberly had.

July 20, 2015

Today is my first day at Parkside Elementary school, a k-8 school. The library media specialist is Mrs. April Smith. She has allowed me to come work in the library while the summer program is going on. Today Mrs. Smith got me familiar with the sections of the library as well as the layout. She explained why it was organized the way it was. I lived the story reading pit at the front of the library. It has windows on one side and steps lead down to a pit the students can sit on and the librarian can read to them.

OCTOBER 20, 2015

Our county office had a technology integration workshop today. It was only for math teachers and librarians. They showed us many programs we could incorporate into our classroom such as edpuzzle, quiziz, compass learning, slide share, and google apps. It was a very helpful workshop and I can't wait to incorporate some of them into my classroom.

September 17, 2015

I was able to help a fellow teacher today! Mrs. Sams needed my assistance with her Carer Prep class. I helped get her students logged in to Kuder. They had to create accounts and take assessments to prepare them to start a career search. I enjoyed working with her 9th graders. They were very patient and did a great job!

September 11, 2015

I helped all day today with the STAR Math assessment on the computers. I helped get students logged in, monitored them during testing, and checked their times on the assessment. I also printed score reports.

August 7, 2015

Today  helped Mrs. Harbison prepare the library for the new year. We painted the circulation desk to make it more appealing instead of just having it the yellow like wooden color. It looks much better.! We got the bulletin boards ready to go as well. Mrs. Harbison also took time to cover more items on the checklist with me.

August 6, 2015

Today is the Technology Conference. We just received Macbook Air laptops for all of our teachers so today I learned how to incorporate it into my classes. They showed us how to use Discovery Ed, Edpuzzle, icurrio, and so much more! Mrs. Harbison is our technology leader at school so it was great to be able to learn some of this alongside her. It was a full day of training!

May 14, 2015

Today Mrs. Harbison and I started weeding out books. The library is officially closed for the year with the exception of teachers bringing classes in to use computers. We looked at circulation reports and check the condition of the books. We also rearranged some of the sections because one wall of shelving is about to be removed because it is basically empty and it will make more room for computers.

May 6, 2015

Today I got to assist Mrs. Harbison with cleaning the library and getting it ready to close. We took books off the shelves and cleaned every shelf. As we did that we discussed the layout of the library and why she had things placed where she did. She had tried another layout when she first started but you could not see every part of the library so she had to rearrange. We also got new chairs for students to have a reading area so she had to incorporate those as well.

April 10, 2015

I am back at my school in the library today. I spent all day helping students take the STAR Math assessment on computers. It was nice to be back with my high schoolers today!

April 3, 2015

Today is my last day here at Eva. I was able to prepare the computers in the library and lab for the upcoming ACT Aspire test. I had to do some updating and troubleshooting to get them prepared. I learned how to import new books into the system and got to put spine labels and barcodes on new books Mrs. Dubberly received.  We discussed purchase orders and community involvement. I am truly going to miss these students. I enjoyed getting to work with Mrs. Dubberly and Mrs. Morgan. They taught me so much and were very patient with me.

April 2, 2015

Today the 2nd graders joined us and read "Hattie, Tom, and the Chicken Witch". She discussed the setting of the book with them and had them do the play that is in the book. I worked circulation again today and learned how to hold books for students. I was able to discuss many things on our procedures checklist with Mrs. Dubberly as well such as cataloging, budget, and policies. I also helped decorate the library like a luau!

March 31, 2015

This is my second day in Eva's library. I begain checking books in and out as well as shelving them. 1st grade classes came in today and Mrs. Dubberly taught them how to locate their books. She also read each class the book "Mortimer Be Quiet" by Robert Munsch.  Kindergarten came in and she read them " Katy No Pocket". and the 4th grade took turns reading "Rolling Harvey Down the Stairs". It was a very busy but fun day!

March 30, 2015

I am excited to be at Eva School today. This is Spring break for my school so I am getting elementary hours in Eva's library this week. Mrs. Dubberly is a very sweet lady and she actually has a library aide that comes two days a week, Mrs. Morgan. The first 5 minutes of the day she has an advisory group of about 8 students that she discusses upcoming events with to keep them on track. 2nd period she is in charge of the yearbook staff so the students go in the back and work on yearbook with her instruction. Eva is a k-8 school. Her collection is quiet interesting. She has a Junior Fiction section she has created for a transition to fiction. Junior fiction books are around 100 pages, large print, and have pictures. These are for grades 3rd & 4th. A promotion she has right now are rewards for AR points. Winners of k-6 get a luau at a park nearby with snacks and games. 7th and 8th graders have an Alabama Auburn competition.

March 9, 2015

I spent the entire day in the library today. I was extremely excited. Previously I was only in there for 3 hours at a time and I was excited to see what a full day looks like. Mrs. Harbison spent  a lot of time with me today. We were able to discuss her collection development policy as well as the process she goes through if a book is challenged. She has a plan in place but has never had a book challenged. We also discussed the  advisory committee.

February 24, 2015

We are still discussing the weeding of books. I asked if she still planned on keeping a set of encyclopedias since students can find that information and more up-to-date information in the internet. She said she had already weeded some sets out the past few years but she has kept one set of research purposes in English classes.

February 17, 2015

Mrs. Harbison was able to explain to me her weeding process and how often she weeds books. She said she usually weeds books at the end of each school year. She uses circulation records to assist her with this as well as the conditions certain books are in.

February 10, 2015

I spent 3 hours in the library today and was able to ask Mrs. Harbison more about reports that could be printed regarding books that are checked out.  We were aslo able to discuss the confidentiality of circulation records.

February 3, 2015

Mrs. Harbison was very busy today. The 3 hours I was in the library I sat behind the circulation desk helping where I could. I was able to suggests books for students to check out and I loved it!

January 27, 2015

Mrs. Harbison was able to spend some time today showing me our online library. I practiced looking up books and seeing if our library had a copy and if they did not, I could find where the nearest copy was located. We also discussed how often she receives new books that she has to add to the collection.

January 22, 2015

Mrs. Harbison took me through the books in the library today. She explained where each section was and their spine labels. I also got a chance to help shelve some books that had been turned in.

January 20, 2015

I was able to go the the library for two hours today. Mrs. Harbison was kind enough to assist me with cataloging. I was confused about my assignment is my class so she explained the Sears and Dewey catalog books to me and where I would find specific things in them.

December 9, 20014

Again, I spent 3 hours in the library. I have a guest speaker in my classes today so I was able to observe once again. Mrs. Harbison oversees the online English courses so I got to see how she helps the students and directs them in their assignments. I love that she gets to interact with the students in a class setting.

December 2, 2014

Today I spent 3 hours in the West Point High school library. Mrs. Harbison discussed circulation with me. There were also classes using the computers that day so I mainly observed what happens in the library.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

QR Codes

This one is for the ACT website that has practice math test questions. I use this in my math classes as well as my ACT Prep classes. Teachers could pull questions for tests or for bell ringers. Students can use them as practice for the ACT. The best part is it is FREE!

Khan Academy is a program teachers and students can use for practice in many subject areas. Students can create a login and have access to practice problems and videos on specific topics. This is helpful for struggling students. It allows them the receive extra help and practice.

This website is similar to youtube. It contains videos on any material you can think of. There are informational videos, instructional videos, and much more.Teachers can show them in class as part of lecture or students can watch them at home for review of material.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Survey Monkey

Poll Everywhere

Audience can respond at, as long as the poll is active.

Presenter session: Audience textsCARIGOLDEN923 to 37607 to join the session, then they text True or False

We have something similar that we use at school with clickers. Students can answer questions with clickers. It is a fast way to review for a test/quiz. You can also use it as a quick formative assessment at the end of a lesson so you immediately know if the students understand.

EIM 504 Slideshare

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Legal and Ethical Use Flashcards

Bibliography Assignment

Works Cited
"Basic Internet Safety." Net Smarts Workshop. National Center For Missing and Exploited Children, 2001. Web. 01 May 2015.
"Cyber-Ethics." IKeepSafe RSS. Generation Safe, 2011. Web. 01 May 2015.
Institute, Zur. "What Is Digital Ethics?: Clinical & Ethical Considerations." Zur Institute. Zur Institute, Inc, n.d. Web. 01 May 2015.
"Internet Safety." BrainPOP Jr. BrainPop, 2015. Web. 02 May 2015.
"Internet Safety." KidsHealth. Ed. Steven Dowshen. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Jan. 2015. Web. 01 May 2015.
"Internet Safety." National Crime Prevention Council. Bureau of Justice Assistance, 2015. Web. 01 May 2015.
"Internet Safety Tips For Children And Teens." New York Public Library. The New York Public Library, 2015. Web. 2 May 2015.
"Internet Safety Tips for Kids and Teens." National Children's Advocacy Center. National Children's Advocacy Center, 2015. Web. 01 May 2015.
"Safety Tips for Kids on the Internet." Just For Kids. Cyber Citizenship, 2015. Web. 2 May 2015.
"Safety Tips." Kids-Safety Tips. The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2015. Web. 01 May 2015.